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WinPlus-IP Studio Prompter Software
With the look and feel developed over many years, the familiar keyboard shortcuts and the now extended functionality, WinPlus-IP is a modern evolution of the well-known WinPlus software, developed from scratch.
The newly designed and easy-to-use user interface can be easily customized according to personal preferences.
The real time preview integrated in the user interface ensures even better text control.
The revolution of the WinPlus-IP software is the connection of intelligent prompting devices within the IP network. This includes IP controllers, XBox-IP boxes, IP monitors and all teleprompter devices.
With the device status function, the operator (depending on user access rights) can monitor, manage, update and assign all intelligent prompting devices.
For critical live productions, the IP-capable workflow also enables complete fail-safety through redundancy. If one PC fails, a second computer can immediately take over the control function of the intelligent prompting devices without manual intervention.
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Optional desktop, foot and wireless hand controllers can be easily connected to WinPlus-IPS. However, WinPlus-IPS only allows one active controller for WinPlus-IP.
The number of display devices is unlimited. Any number of EVO-IP(S) monitors, XBox-IP scroll engines and iOS devices (optional license required) can be connected.
The Device Status tool makes it easy to monitor and manage connected devices, including firmware updates and configuration of all device-specific settings.
The completely new menus, which are displayed above the relevant content area, make the software easier to use, so that even inexperienced users can operate the software intuitively.
Several different scripts can be loaded for multi-script operation. Special studio functions such as editorial system connectivity are not possible in the WinPlus-IPS version for the sake of simplicity and to keep the price low. Extensive studio functions are available from the WinPlus-IP version.
Which teleprompter system for which needs?
teleprompter) or a mirror construction hanging in front of the camera lens (camera teleprompter).
Teleprompter for conferences
A teleprompter (originally from the Latin promptus, meaning “determined, ready”) is a technical aid that is mainly used in television productions, film productions, lectures and general meetings to give the audience the impression of free speech.
A computer-generated text is displayed on one or more special high-brightness monitors, which project the mirror image of the text onto a glass screen (conference teleprompter) standing freely in the room on a tripod in front of the speaker or a mirror construction hanging in front of the camera lens (camera teleprompter).
Send requestteleprompter) or a mirror construction hanging in front of the camera lens.
Teleprompter for conferences
A teleprompter (originally from the Latin promptus, meaning “determined, ready”) is a technical aid that is mainly used in television productions, film productions, lectures and general meetings to give the audience the impression of free speech.
A computer-generated text is displayed on one or more special high-brightness monitors, which project the mirror image of the text onto a glass screen (conference teleprompter) standing freely in the room on a tripod in front of the speaker or a mirror construction hanging in front of the camera lens (camera teleprompter).
A teleprompter (originally from the Latin promptus, meaning “determined, ready”) is a technical aid that is mainly used in television productions, film productions, lectures and general meetings to give the audience the impression of free speech.
A computer-generated text is displayed on one or more special high-brightness monitors, which project the mirror image of the text onto a glass screen (conference teleprompter) standing freely in the room on a tripod in front of the speaker or a mirror construction hanging in front of the camera lens (camera teleprompter).
Send requestprojected onto a mirror construction hanging in front of the camera lens
Teleprompter for conferences
A teleprompter (originally from the Latin promptus, meaning “determined, ready”) is a technical aid that is mainly used in television productions, film productions, lectures and general meetings to give the audience the impression of free speech.
A computer-generated text is displayed on one or more special high-brightness monitors, which project the mirror image of the text onto a glass screen (conference teleprompter) standing freely in the room on a tripod in front of the speaker or a mirror construction hanging in front of the camera lens (camera teleprompter).
A teleprompter (originally from the Latin promptus, meaning “determined, ready”) is a technical aid that is mainly used in television productions, film productions, lectures and general meetings to give the audience the impression of free speech.
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